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Speeding vehicles

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 10:51, Fri 10 April 2015

Sent to Redbridge Borough Council 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 619183.

In the last 10 years we have had 3 vehicles written off whilst parked on the street (1 being the replacement hire car given to us by insurance after ours was written off just a few weeks before) due to speeding vehicles, as well as a number of clipped mirrors. its quite alarming that this happens just a few doors from a nursery. The amount of speed people carry when travelling down Goodmayes Lane is ludicrous and often makes crossing or pulling in/out of a driveway very dangerous. The traffic lights between Goodmayes Lane, Green Lane and Goodmayes Road have generally made people very impatient compared to the mini roundabout that previously existed. Traffic calming measures on Goodmayes lane would be very welcome.

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  • Email was received from the council to say they do not deal with this issue and told me to contact tfl without providing any other detail.

    Posted anonymously at 09:33, Sun 17 May 2015

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