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There are no frontline services at enfiekd council. A government intervention is needed .

Reported via desktop in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 00:49, Wednesday 3 July 2024

Sent to Enfield Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6184497.

We have no street cleaning. Winchmore Hill road, hoppers road and church hill are swept every day by me because nobody is working at the council. Our bins are never emptied on public highways and gardens and our wildlife is choking on the litter. The bin at Grovelands park has sacks tied behind it to allow more waste, rather than it ever being emptied. People leave their names in fly tips, secure the council will never prosecute and the park house flats on Winchmore Hill are full of multi occupants who are unlicensed and fly tip on their own streets. I watched a tenant do this and reported it to Ian Davies and Doug Wilkinson, both on six digit salaries, and they showed no interest in finding out who the fly tipper was or cared to find out more. The streets are filthy, the verges now so overgrown we are spending a fortune at the vets removing dangerous grass seeds from our dogs ‘ paws, and fly tippers and unlicensed HMOs revel in the lawlessness this council has created.

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