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Traffic lights on Short heat road/Hailsham road/Court lane

Reported via Android in the Traffic lights category by Pawel Kolenda at 15:57, Saturday 29 June 2024

Sent to Birmingham City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6170705.

Im taking again for check.. on this crossroad is massive problem to get on Short heat road because you cant see cars coming. Second problem is that there is no pedestrian crossing in this area... Kids are in danger when crossing street... And people driving here like crazy. Please make traffic lights, speed bumpers, pedestrian crossing, anything to help... Last time i get answer that is safe and there is no accidents... Today was another one do dont tell me bullshit

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  • Dear Mr Kolenda,

    Thank you for your further enquiry regarding the junction of Short Heath Road, Court Lane and Hailsham Road.

    Following your initial request, a warning sign has been installed on the eastbound approach to the junction to warn motorists that there is a crossroads ahead.

    We are not currently in a position to secure funding for any additional measures in this location but this will remain on our request list for future consideration.


    Iain Aiken

    Principal Local Engineer

    North Birmingham

    City Operations

    Birmingham City Council

    Postal Address - Engineering North, PO Box 18216, BIRMINGHAM, B2 2FW

    Posted by Pawel Kolenda at 16:02, Saturday 27 July 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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