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Traffic exceeding 30mph limit

Reported in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 09:53, Sun 29 March 2015

Sent to Staffordshire County Council 2 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 612806.

This affects Keys Park Road and Brickworks Road. There are 30mph signs and speed camera signs but this has no impact on what seems like the majority of drivers. I drive and walk along these roads daily. If you do the 30 limit you're almost guaranteed to have someone tail gating and even gesticulating at you! Crossing these roads is ridiculous with the speed some cars travel. A few days ago I was using the crossing on Keys Park Road just after Brickworks Road, 2 cars came off the roundabout at lower keys business park, the one behind over took the one in front and had to slow down for me to finish crossing the road and I was walking at a normal place, not crawling across! If you stick a speed camera van along those roads you'll be able to fund all the local road repairs. These are quite busy pedestrian routes with school children and dog walkers.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 08:39, Wed 29 April 2015

  • I haven't heard anything from the council but to be honest don't expect to, I realise traffic calming comes at great expense and I see that this issue was brought up by someone else via fixmystreet a while ago but obviously nothing was done to slow traffic down.

    Posted anonymously at 08:39, Wed 29 April 2015

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