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Incorrect use of left hand lane

Reported via mobile in the Road traffic signs category anonymously at 21:59, Tuesday 11 June 2024

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6095954.

The left hand lane approaching Cheals Roundabout from the A23 side that passes Apple green petrol station, is continuously used by drivers to turn right and take the 3rd exit. I have many a time witnessed near misses where people that have sat in the right hand lane, take the 3rd exit route and attempt to drift over to the left to come off the roundabout only to be met by someone from the left lane also going round to the 3rd exit. Or drivers in the right hand lane going straight over towards the stadium and near missing someone approaching from the left. I have been driving to Crawley and back from Horsham for years and this has always been the same. Surely the lane priorities should be changed, either to accommodate this being allowed or to stop this happening. Accidents ha e already happened there, how serious will an accident need to be to make this change happen?

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