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Over grown trees

Reported via iOS in the Trees category anonymously at 21:54, Tuesday 11 June 2024

Sent to Darlington Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6095941.

Over grown trees outside my house on the council pavement…… It is a disgrace I have no sunlight and the leaves and twigs and whatever the trees are growing drop all over my garden and drive and block my guttering as I live in a bungalow... not to mention all the bird poo that ends up on my windows and doors, I’m an elderly lady and during the winter whenever we have high winds the branches fly off and hit my windows I find it very scary I get worried the tree could fall and damage my home. I’ve lived with this for a few yrs and each yr it gets worse,I have complained in the past but absolutely nothing gets done about it…also it’s getting dangerous because the trees are lifting up the payment, I feel this is a trip hazard. I would really appreciate it if this can be looked at and dealt with thank you.

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