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Speeding signs required

Reported via iOS anonymously at 09:31, Tue 11 June 2024

Sent to Luton Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6091549.

Great Bramingham Lane leads up to Keech Hospice. It is a good stretch of road with 4 residential properties on the right hand side at the top of the road close to Keech Hospice. Repeatedly over a number of years, vehicles speed up the lane and there have been some ‘near misses’ with vehicles not noticing pedestrians or residents outside their properties. Reports have been made to Keech Hospice, who have asked visitors and workers at Keech to be mindful of the fact that there are residents living on the lane and pedestrians/dog walkers crossing the lane to get from adjacent Barton Hills estate across to public footpaths which are accessible via the Keech Hospice car park. It is obviously difficult for Keech to,police the speeds of visitors and workers arriving at the hospice on a daily basis and not within their remit. Residents (past and present) of number 1,2,3,4,5 Great Bramingham Lane have complained over the years about speeding up the lane , maybe not through the right channels always to request speeding deterrents ie; 20 Mile an hour signs , speed humps etc.. to be placed on the lane. for anything to deter speeding vehicles. We understand people may be in a hurry to visit loved ones or in a hurry to get to work at the Hospice , but it would not be good publicity if someone was injured by a speeding vehicle rushing to the Hospice. There have been too many near misses to mention in just the few residents experience . Great Bramingham Lane is a Central Beds council maintained road. Please advise how we may pursue the installation of any speed deterrents. As I write , early morning around start of day vehicle arrivals at the Hospice, I would estimate at least half vehicles are speeding into Keech premises,

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 17:34, Wed 10 July 2024

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