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Low over hanging trees & protruding shrubs along A30

Reported via desktop in the Trees in parks, commons, and open spaces category anonymously at 10:01, Sat 8 June 2024

Sent to Runnymede Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6080543.

I cycle between Camberley & sky Studios (& return journey) regularly for work & there is quite a lot of low over hanging tree branches & protruding vegitation which stretches out into the cycle lanes & road. these are become a serious hazard now especially for cyclist like myself who have to take swift action to try & manoeuvre to avoid the obstruction /obstacle whilst trying to make sure we're not hit by vehicles which don't want to give anyone an inch on the road & don't leave enough safety room for cyclist. The side of the road & cycle lanes are also full of debris from lorry's & other large vehicles hitting these low over hanging branches which also cause a major danger for both cyclist & vehicles & could really do with a visit from a road sweeper at least once a month. There are also a lot a huge potholes along this route which need argent attention as they will undoubtedly cause a serious accident, injury & possible a death to a poor cyclist or driver

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