Status unknown
Trading standards review required
Reported via mobile anonymously at 16:37, Mon 3 June 2024
Sent to Leicester City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6056678.
Team Why is Scottish Gas logo letter churned out various locations in United Kingdom but customer getting overcharged- zero appropriate appolgies to customer- bounced back and forth between complaints and deadlock and our data matters as citizen witnesses
Quote To request full trading standards investigation into use of Scottish Gas logo in your area churning out letters to person (s)
In United Kingdom where there is zero consideration for customer service
Zero consideration for customer rights
And letters are churned out after total misuse of customer data
XX represents you in the House of Commons. The House of Commons is responsible for making laws in the UK and for overall scrutiny of all aspects of government.
There’s an upcoming election. We’ll be adding your new representative as soon as we can after the election.
House of Lords Lords are not elected by you, but they still get to vote in Parliament just like your MP. You may want to write to a Lord (more info).
Write to a Lord All your area are Labour Cllrs Most councillors are not paid a salary, but get a basic allowance for the work they do End quote
All your councillor in the area are Labour but what allowance are they getting And the gas logo misuse is also in other areas
People are being given inaccurate information and there needs full investigation why the logo is at various locations
End quote
Unresolved MP details still not on mySociety umbrella site
Trading standards review required Team Why is Scottish Gas logo letter churned out various locations in United Kingdom but customer getting overcharged- zero appropriate appolgies to customer- bounced back and forth between complaints and deadlock and our data matters as citizen witnesses
Quote To request full trading standards investigation into use of Scottish Gas logo in your area churning out letters to person (s)
In United Kingdom where there is zero consideration for customer service
Zero consideration for customer rights
And letters are churned out after total misuse of customer data
XX represents you in the House of Commons. The House of Commons is responsible for making laws in the UK and for overall scrutiny of all aspects of government.
There’s an upcoming election. We’ll be adding your new representative as soon as we can after the election.
Posted anonymously at 20:48, Sat 6 July 2024
Still open, via questionnaire
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