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Overgrown vegetation

Reported via mobile in the Vegetation & maintenance category anonymously at 08:33, Mon 3 June 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Oxfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6052918.

The cycle route between Didcot and Sutton Courtney is very overgrown with trees and nettles. The width of the path is sometimes too narrow, causing oncoming pedestrians or cyclists to have to wait or be forced into the vegetation. Some of the trees are dangling below head height when on a cycle, which have hit me in the face a few times. There is a lot of loose gravel, thorns etc which have caused punctures on my bike. Thank you

Council ref: ENQ241006372

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  • State changed to: Investigating

    Updated by Oxfordshire County Council at 08:33, Mon 3 June 2024

  • This is getting worse. There are low hanging branches which hit a cyclist in the face. The sides of the path are so overgrown that you can't get 2 people passed at the same time. One of them has to go in the nettles.

    Posted anonymously at 15:54, Thu 4 July 2024

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