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Road name sign is loose

Reported via mobile anonymously at 22:03, Wednesday 29 May 2024

Sent to West Northamptonshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6036983.

The Bramhall rise road name board is currently only held in place by one set of rivets in the lower bottom corner on one side.

I would fix it myself but I don't have a rivet small enough to fit though the small hole in the name board, I would remove it and drill it out a bit to put in some stronger rivets, but don't want to break the law so not totally sure if I'm allowed to.

Or if this has been done by either you or a contractor who needs access then I will also leave it, tho I would have thought a contractor or yourselves would just use an Allen key to remove the sign whilst you needed access.

If not please let me know. I've only just noticed that one post was pulled out and the sign was dangling, so I pushed pole back in and straighten sign, but only friction is currently holding it up.

Kind regards m

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