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Fly tipping

Reported via desktop in the Rubbish (refuse and recycling) category anonymously at 12:54, Tue 28 May 2024

Sent to Liverpool City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6029251.

This is what we wake up to daily in our street we were led to believe that getting these bins in our street would be cleaner,healthier, as no vermin but that's not the case it has gone worse people come inn foot in cars in vans and dump there rubbish The people living in this street put there rubbish in The bins it's outsiders doing this I have wrote to you before and as you can see nothing is getting done about it

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  • I am quite sure problem is coming from church road west somebody is moving out and all rubbish is being put in naseby street right by the bins not in them this is being done daily as soon as bin wagon goes out they come with kids clothes ,toys boxes and any other rubbish they dont can you please do something about this we have vermin running around in the day time obviously the bins in the street is not working in naseby street it is a mess I would like to keep my name and address and email private Please help we are clean people in this street but it looks like slums

    Posted anonymously at 13:49, Wed 5 June 2024

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