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Rubbish dumped on the pavement, yet again

Reported via Android in the Flytipping category anonymously at 15:15, Wed 15 May 2024

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5977929.

The residents of these flats continously dump rubbish on the pavement, no sooner has rubbish been picked up but it is replaced with more crap. Glasgow Council don't appear to be enforcing the rules regarding the constant flytipping.

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  • Tall fridge freezers have now been added to the fly tipping pile up.. As the previous person has reported this is continually ongoing week after week all coming from the flats at the bottom end of Tennyson Drive.. Due to the continuous weekly fly tipping, this is looking more like temporary accommodation in some of these flats and previous tenants leaving all there crap behind.. Whoever owns these flats should be held responsible.. Clear the place out before your next tenant goes in. YOU ARE SPOILING THIS ONCE LOVELY STREET BY NOT GIVING A FUCK WHO YOU RENT TO..

    Posted anonymously at 13:31, Thu 16 May 2024

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