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Huge pothole - a true motorcyclist killer

Reported via iOS in the Potholes category anonymously at 13:50, Tuesday 14 May 2024

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5972188.

Massive pothole - been there for WEEKS!

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  • 1. On the A283, within 100 metres north of the Northchapel PO & Stores, east side of the road, the hedge is obstructing the view for motorists driving southwards.

    2. This hedge has not only grown to 40-50 feet high, but also is encroaching on the road itself. It has not been maintained for approx. 50 years.

    3. Big van/lorries driving south cannot keep to the left the middle of the road white lines since they do not want to get their vehicles scratched; nor do most keep to 30 mph.

    4. Similarly vans/lorries and other big vehicles do not keep to 30 mph when driving northwards.

    5 On 20 August 2024, one large (10 tyred) lorry was driving at 15 mph southwards, with its indictors flachng right. There are at leaqst 100 which are driven over the middle white lines and over 30mph.

    Posted anonymously at 12:45, Wednesday 21 August 2024

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