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Ridgway Road full up well before 8pm Parking permits end

Reported via Android in the Council parking permits category anonymously at 17:39, Monday 13 May 2024

Sent to Luton Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5968434.

It is now Monday 13th May at 5.30pm and Ridgway Road has all its Resudent Patking (8am to 8pm) full and cars parked on double yellows including the same car parking up on the corners of Alice Court (also double yellows) every day. Add this to work vans who we have no clue if they have visitors permits or not and your forced to park elsewhere. We need Parking Enforcement to hit Ridgway Road after 5.30pm ideally even later and we need to return to visibly showning parking permits in the cars or an online app that allowd residents to put a vehicles reg details in to see if they have a permit to park in a resident bay.

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  • Questionnaire filled in by problem reporter; State changed to: Fixed, 08:50, Tuesday 11 June 2024

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