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Poor road management

Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 15:24, Sunday 5 May 2024

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5934989.

There is constant parking over driveways on Rose Green Road due to shoppers not wanting to walk more than a few meters to the shop they are intending to visit. All my neighbours complain about it but nothing is done. When there are shops on a road the parking needs to be managed by the local council, it is there responsibility and yet I have wrote to the parish council numerous times with promises of sorting the issue out and nothing is done. This road is one way and yet extremely busy. Shoppers feel they can park over driveways to quickly go into the shops. It is causing frustration amongst neighbours but more importantly bad relationships between shop owners and residents. This needs to be resolved before it becomes a police issue. Along the road there needs to be parking bays, there needs to be signs clearly stating to park strictly within the bays. There needs to be white lines over driveways (I feel this is the councils responsibility, not residents). Some of the road has reduced width pedestrian areas to cross, I feel there should be more of these, for safety, to prevent a road traffic accident. Please review and action safety on our road. The photo is one of many that I have that park across part of my driveway. Due to the road being a one way road, I turn left, with cars parked across the driveway, I then have to do a 5 point turn on a busy road (cars and pedestrians) extremely dangerous for all parties. It is unacceptable and irresponsible to allow this to continue. There is plenty of parking, for shoppers to not be obstructing driveways.

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