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Overgrown hedges obstructing the pavement

Reported via mobile anonymously at 19:41, Thu 2 May 2024

Sent to Brighton and Hove City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5927407.

Dear City Parks

The attached photographs show that hedges are so overgrown on the Clarendon House Housing Estate BN3 3WW that pedestrians are forced to move almost into the road in order to pass them. Clarendon Road is supposed to be a 20 miles per hour speed limit but I regularly see motorcars bombing down this residential road where children live and sometimes run into the road oblivious of the dangers. We don't need this obstruction to the use of the pavement in such an area.

Please can someone attend and cut back the hedges.

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  • The issue is now fixed and we have access to the pavement again.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 22:32, Thu 30 May 2024

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