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Abandoned bike on broken post

Reported via iOS in the Dangerous structure category anonymously at 14:24, Mon 23 February 2015

Sent to Tower Hamlets 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 592692.

This post has been lose for a few years now. The police have even fixed a poster to it altering people to the fact that it's lose and poses a risk of cyclist theft.

A friend actually had their bike stolen in this way at this very location - I reported it then to TH who laughably told me that they would remove bicycle locked to street furniture! As if!

Well, the post is still loose and now there's a neglected bike attached to it, so double whammy of TH incompetence!

On that phone call I even suggested it was dangerous (it is) and was told it'd be fixed due to the danger posed.

So now it's up to you! Go on, you can so it!

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 15:03, Mon 23 March 2015

  • Of course it's not been fixed, this is Tower Hamlets, you have to complain about something every week for a year to get any kind of action.

    Interestingly, traffic wardens patrol this street, odd that they can't action this. "Not my job mate!"

    I'll do another update next month...I can predict the outcome!

    Posted anonymously at 15:03, Mon 23 March 2015

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