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Traffic lights not working correctly

Reported via desktop in the Green or amber traffic light is not working category anonymously at 11:18, Wed 1 May 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5920136.

I can see that this has been reported but nothing seems to have been done as this has been going on all week and since the closure of Manor Road the traffic is an absolute nightmare. The traffic lights only seem to let a few car through travelling south (towards A4019 Tewkesbury Road) whislt still letting traffic travel north AND the the right hand signal is also green when there's nothing there. With more traffic using this road because of the Manor Road closure this should now be a priority to get it sorted or just turn the lights off altogether as is done when the racing is on. The amount of traffic now queuing along this stretch of road must be causing extra pollution so not good for people who have to work along there.

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