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Lights change back to red too quickly

Reported via desktop in the Lights are changing too quickly category anonymously at 13:14, Tuesday 30 April 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council 1 minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5916184.

On my very slow approach southbound to these traffic lights this morning during rush hour, I witnessed the lights only remain green for around 10 seconds before returning to red for much longer, which happened four times in a row before I could cross the junction. This is causing extremely long tailbacks along Kingsditch Lane, Wymans Lane, and Hyde Lane due to the closure of Manor Road as there is now no other route to Tewkesbury Road from this side of Cheltenham. Please adjust the timings of these lights to prioritise traffic flow to help ease the sheer number of cars having to go past these lights.

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