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These images shows two different potholes on whipps cross road

Reported via mobile in the Potholes category anonymously at 20:12, Mon 22 April 2024

Sent to Waltham Forest Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5886608.

The potholes on whipps cross road have been here for over 3months and have progressively been getting worse. This section of whipps cross road operates a bus lane on the opposite lane, therefore swerving or trying to avoid them is not a option. Regarding this issue, on the 12th of April 2024 around 5:50am i was joining whipps cross road after coming off the greenman roundabout and driven over these potholes causing a loud bang to occur from my suspension. After taking it to the garage on the next available slot 20th of april it was diagnosed that My cars coil and springs had been damaged and urgent replacement had to be fitted. The images shown are two different drainage holes that the asphalt had broken away at, the holes proximity is 20feet of eachother

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