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Lorry has just hit lamppost and cycle sign on Bluebell Road

Reported via mobile in the Street light is permanently out category anonymously at 23:19, Monday 8 April 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Gloucestershire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5826660.

Bluebell Road near junction of honeysuckle acres. A prompt lorry has reversed and hit a lamppost and cycle sign as a result of 4 lorry's incorrectly coming down Bluebell Road as a result of M5 closure. No lighting in this area now. Thankfully no person or vehicle hit this time. This was always going to happen as a result of poor signage on roundabout leading the countless vehicles coming down. Lorry prompt haulage Reg number Vo21sd7. Ring footage of lorry but personally witnessed the collision

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