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Flytipping in woods by Watt Close Allotments

Reported via desktop in the Flytipping category anonymously at 15:59, Thu 4 April 2024

Sent to Bromsgrove District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5807549.

Last night it seems someone has fly tipped a large wooden desk unit or something like it in the woods next to the Allotments/School playing field - it wasn't there yesterday. I couldn't see any tyre tracks but it was a large object to get all the way in there.

Also about ten days ago there was also some dumping of rubble and plants in the woods next to there like what happened last spring. We've collected and removed most of the glass and dangerous debris up ourselves from that and disposed of it.

I have just reported it but couldn't enter the location exactly on the Council website as the search box wouldn't recognise Spadesbourne Walk so I've marked it here too.

Thank you

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    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 12:03, Mon 5 August 2024

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