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Can you clean Caradoc Street SE10

Reported via desktop in the Street Spillage category anonymously at 02:06, Wed 3 April 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Royal Borough of Greenwich less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5798634.

I reported this problem last week and your website updated my report as being fixed. This is a lie! The road has not been swept for two weeks, or litter picked, including litter in between the cars. Your road sweepers when here, lazily drag their brush along the floor, without properly sweeping the litter, and they never litter pick in between cars. There is paper, and chicken and chips boxes, and other rubbish littering the entirety of Caradoc Street. The rubbish has become soaked into the pavement and road edges because of the rain. You will need a scraper to remove the rubbish and litter. Some cans, and boxes of chicken and chips have been there for two weeks, so please do not lie and say that the job has been fixed when it clearly has not. The end of Caradoc Street entering Banning Street SE10 also has embedded rubbish due to the rain, around the light poles etc. We pay our council tax and deserve a better response. Before you close this as fixed, please have a supervisor double check the clean up, and please ensure future cleans are thorough.

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  • This issue will be resolved during the next, scheduled, weekly cleanse. If you are interested in becoming involved in community efforts to tackle litter, please visit Become an Environment Champion

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted by Royal Borough of Greenwich at 02:09, Wed 3 April 2024

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