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Stae of the Road and pavement

Reported via mobile in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 10:25, Wednesday 27 March 2024

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5771417.

King Street from Dilly Dallies Cafe up to the roadabout junction with Ranscombe Road is nothing short of a disgrace for the town and one of its main arterial roads. The road is littered with partially filled holes and pot holes. The pavement is a danger to those 100's of elderly patients forced to use the road and it pavement to collect there prescriptions from Day Lewis in the Fore Street now that Compass House Pharmacy is closed. No one seems to care until someone gets hurt and sues the council until that happens nothing will be done. Well this serves notice to the council that if something does happen then the Council will be held responsible by those injured due to the state of the road and pavement.

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