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Blind Spot - Speeding vehicles

Reported via mobile by Sabbir Chowdhury at 07:31, Wednesday 27 March 2024

Not reported to council

When approaching Chadwell Heath Lane from Jarrow Road, there is clearly a huge blind spot when drivers look to their right.

Unfortunately due to Chadwell Heath Lane having minimal active speed humps (Picture attached) vehicles go round the smaller humps and it becomes seriously dangerous for drivers approaching the busier junction.

I have attached 2 images for reference, one showing the blind spot from Jarrow Road and another image of a larger jump with zebra crossing located at Kentish Town West station. The speed hump is designed to stop motorists in their tracks to ensure they are going slower whilst approaching a busy residential area. Please can we have an identical one here with zebra crossing as this will slow vehicles down the road.

Appreciate your help.


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