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Enfield council discrimination and intimidation

Reported via desktop in the Street cleaning category anonymously at 19:00, Thursday 21 March 2024

Sent to Enfield Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5750204.

I am quite scared at the pattern of events and clear message sent to me by this council. Having reported three main roads repeatedly for never being cleaned by the council - Winchmore hill road, hoppers road and church hill and challenging a councillor on a community online forum, it appears my ‘ sanction ‘ is to then not clean these streets at all. For over two months I have been in my hands and knees cleaning these three roads and shovelling waste into my car, I am feeling scared of their response. They have agreed a structure breaching all planning regulations from my neighbour, and destroyed my outdoor seating. And mow I can’t drive in my area without cleaning three main roads because the council will not. I am too scared of what they will do next.

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