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Huge tree in garden

Reported via Android in the Trees category anonymously at 14:36, Thu 21 March 2024

Sent to Breckland District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5748816.

This is a eucalyptus tree, it is in a garden between 2 rows of houses at number 380 St John's Way, it blocks the light from our garden, Eucalyptus is known as the widow maker as it's branches often break without warning, the neighbour has a children's trampoline underneath one huge branch. It is known as highly flammable due to the high oil content in their leaves, bark and wood. The oil is highly volatile, meaning it evaporates quickly and can easily catch fire, additionally the leaves and bark of eucalyptus trees contain flammable compounds, making them highly susceptible to ignition. I hate to think of the consequences for the surrounding buildings if this tree was to catch fire.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 15:02, Thu 18 April 2024

  • Over grown weeds and bushes could do with sorting out as it’s very difficult to use the path its near 306 St John’s way thetford

    Posted anonymously at 14:32, Fri 6 September 2024

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