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Cars parking on Corners hiding visibility

Reported via desktop in the Car parking category anonymously at 19:13, Wednesday 20 March 2024

Sent to Adur District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5744963.

Hi There,

The highways council department needs to paint double yellow parking lines on the top ends of Prince Charles Close and around both corners because vehicles are being parked right at the ends and corners making visibility often impossible and often vehicles are coming both ways and there has been some near misses, The lack of visibility both entering and existing Prince Charles Close is dangerous for drivers and pedesrians and we dont want to wait for an incident to occur before this is corrected. Please can something be done about this as soon as possible.

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  • Still open, via questionnaire, 10:56, Thursday 18 April 2024

  • This problem still has not been addressed by West Sussex Highways department. Motorhomes, Vans, cars continually park right up to the very end of the close AND around the corner, therefore obscuring visibility for drivers to both enter and leave Prince Charles Close. This is proving a risk for drivers having to 'crawl' out of the Close, hoping to see around the corners for oncoming vehicles which are often driving fast. Entering the Close is equally as dangerous whether you are driving at snail pace or not, with not always being able to seei if there if an oncoming vehicle coming out due to the idiots who continue to park right on the corner on the left hand side. The sooner this is done the better before a collision happens. Also, you have people crossing in that area with dogs often so this is just making matters worse.

    Posted anonymously at 11:09, Thursday 18 April 2024

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