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Raised iron works pot hole

Reported via mobile in the Potholes category anonymously at 13:50, Tue 19 March 2024

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5737510.

Everyday and night hgvs are going along it makes the most horrendous banging sound, my sons autistic and it keep him awake the noise scares him it’s so loud, the impact at times is so hard that things in my house are falling off the walls the house shudders so much I’ve got cracks appearing now, I witness 3/5 cars a day on average bursting tyres and needing recovery , it’s an accident waiting to happen and if a hgv is involved god help the houses in it’s path, the road was fixed further up properly fixed this needs the same so we can sleep and stop having panick attacks every time a huge lorry goes across it.

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  • It’s fixed but not properly fixed it’s a lump of tar mixture hasn’t even been flattened so All the Lorry’s going over it is even nosier than before. Bodge job

    Posted anonymously at 14:21, Tue 16 April 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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