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Parking on lefthand side

Reported via desktop in the Car parking category anonymously at 15:44, Monday 18 March 2024

Sent to Torbay Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5731914.

These cars parking on the left side going down are causing a dangers to cars coming up the hill which have priority. There should be double yellow lines because people drive down and up this road at speed and there are often near misses because the road is not wide enough and drivers going down do not wait for a clear space before proceeding especially white vans and lorries. This means on the up side cars etc have to brake or change gear down just when they need the acceleration to get up this steep hill. Except for loading or unloading and deliveries there us no need to park as all the properties have driveways.

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  • This is a duplicate log, please refer to log 5731924.

    Posted anonymously at 15:53, Monday 18 March 2024

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