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Double yellow parking

Reported via desktop anonymously at 15:58, Wednesday 13 March 2024

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5708142.

Parents are getting increasingly concerned for the amount of people parking on the double yellows outside the scool, it causes a road blockage on the slight bend and so cars are then driving completely on the path where children are walking! 100s of parent have spoken to the school but there is nothing they can do. WE NEED A WARDEN to randomly come out. Arrive at 15. 25 so they have already parked and left vehicle, otherwise the won't park there, the council would make a load of money as easily 20+ cars at a time on a daily basis and it may make people think twice of blocking the road! It's so dangerous, numerous times I have witnessed parents grab there children and pull them back from the cars driving on the path due to this parking.

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  • Still no change, we need a wardon

    Posted anonymously at 16:43, Wednesday 10 April 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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