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Dumped PC Monitor & other items

Reported in the Dumped rubbish category anonymously at 20:11, Wed 14 January 2015

Sent to Tower Hamlets 4 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 569862.

In Grove Road near the corner with Morgan St someone has left a trio of items on the pavement: A PC Monitor, soap box (I have one already) and what looks to be either a faux jellyfish rear section or half of a fan.

They have been there for two days.

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  • Questionnaire filled in by problem reporter; State changed to: Fixed, 21:40, Wed 11 February 2015

  • This stuff has now been fixed, although a broken mirror has replaced the items and been there for around a week now. Sadly, it seems people think it is acceptable to dump stuff on the street under the guise that "someone might want it". In fact things get dragged a bit along the street and then dumped again.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 21:40, Wed 11 February 2015

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