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House flooding due to ditches blocked along street and under house driveways

Reported via desktop in the Rights of way category by mrs jayne walden at 21:20, Sunday 10 March 2024

Sent to Hampshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5693375.

I live next to a right of way along The Street(pathway one 1 think.signpost long fallen over unfortunately too waterlogged) there is a very long ditch on the far side of pathway taking water in from the fields at the back of me.The water should flow from the ditch along the street go up the road in to drains.cant do this because all ditches on the front of cluding where the water flows under drive ways havent been cleared out for many years.hence the water is turning back in to my ditch because obviously It has no where to go!.I have had flooding over the years but now water is seeping under my conserverory.last week ruined all conservertory thrown out.This has been an problem for years.HCC and country side people have been informed several times.I am 76 on my own and continually having to clear the ditch of mud and slush the sides of the ditch have collapsed due to so much water(community offenders put wood along edge of ditch years ago.obviously rotted now). had enough of caring for a right of way and maintaing this ditch.I am told the ditch is my responsible.been informed recently this might not be the case after 28 years of trying to maintain it perhaps if these ditches were cleared along the front of properties it would ease the amount of water I am getting . It is obvious to me the water has no where to go please can you advise ps if there were drains in the street where I am perhaps that would also have eased the problem there is one at all this sunday am clearing the ditch for the very last time

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  • No it hasnt been fixed .- all I get is the ditch next to my house(row) is my problem and basically it is flooding when we have heavy rain and no one wants to know,all along the street as I have said the water has no where to go because it is is returning back because it goes under peoples driveways and they are all blocked up,I believe this is something highways need to look at -no one want to know! I have had my conservatory flooded on two occasions now,The ditch has alot of water to take in from the fields and from the four dwellings next door to me.Have had a costing of over two thousand for the ditch to be fixed from ROW but why should I pay that amount -Anyway I havent got that kind of money and thats not fixing problem is it?

    Posted by mrs jayne walden at 23:51, Monday 8 April 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Still open, via questionnaire, 15:28, Friday 17 May 2024

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