Status unknown
Fly tipping, on my drive!!
Reported in the Flytipping category anonymously at 21:49, Fri 22 June 2007
Sent to Adur District Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5677.
Local children knocked down my timber fence. Now some people from the estate are walking across my drive and dumping rubbish there on my and the councils land.
I have asked the council for help in installing a fence on our mutual boundry and they flatly refused. Local youths were once again on my garden last Monday and i had to call the police to get them off my property.
It seems the police are pretty much powerless, i cannot protect my own property and the council are unwilling to help. Any ideas???
Posted anonymously at 22:05, Fri 20 July 2007
Still open, via questionnaire, 22:05, Fri 20 July 2007
I have contacted the council to ask permission to fence off the area and have still had no response.
Posted anonymously at 09:57, Sat 18 August 2007
Still open, via questionnaire, 09:57, Sat 18 August 2007
Despite chasing the council several times. I have still not had a reply.
Posted anonymously at 10:01, Sat 15 September 2007
Still open, via questionnaire, 10:01, Sat 15 September 2007
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