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Blocked drains.

Reported via desktop anonymously at 17:19, Friday 1 March 2024

Sent to Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5655100.

Hello. There is an issue that has been a problem for for many months now and needs addressing.

There are two water run off drains, one on the corner of bob Lane ( RH175NG) Another just east across the road at the end of our driveway (no.3 and next door), that are very blocked. The result is that water runs down bob lane , then puddles across from myself and my neighbours, then runs across to our driveways . It the creates a path down my driveway and into our garage and into our garden and down through to the lowest point and creates a massive pond.when it's bad it also finds its way into my neighbours drive causing his gravel drive to be swept away closing his outside drains. Also running into his garage and destroying his property. I'm trying many routes for solutions. Hopefully you cod help or possibly advise. Thank you .

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