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Ghost island and turn right arrows are invisible

Reported via iOS in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 11:04, Thursday 29 February 2024

Sent to West Sussex County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5648310.

The ghost island that was painted originally has now faded and is almost invisible. As is the turn right arrow into Earle’s meadow! This is a major concern and is likely to cause a head on collision. Last night I was indicating to turn right into Earle’s meadow and a car that wanted to approach the roundabout to turn right went into what was a turn right arrow and box along with a ghost island too early and we would have collided had I not stopped going into the turn right box due to my knowledge and exoection of this happening potentially. Also of note is at peak times traffic queuing at the roundabout are also in the ghost island snd turn right boxes making it almost impossible to get in or out of Earle’s meadow. Also of major concern is the speeds that vehicles leave the dual carriageway and turn left towards Horsham, this means that there is a very serious accident just waiting to happen !!

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  • I have received a message from the local authority which I deem unacceptable and have told them so. Attached is their response that I believe is a subjective look by an assessor using a ‘manual’ as a guide (an excuse to save money you might think)! I’ve done my bit and will step forward with a I told you so response when a serious accident happens as it nearly has to me now on 2 occasions. For the info of local residents ….. Dear Customer Your enquiry has been updated by our Highways Team.

    Enquiry Number: 3806654 () Street: CRAWLEY ROAD, NORTH HORSHAM (E: 519949.91 , N: 132917.78) Subject: Lining

    Highways Team Update: Thank you for your enquiry. A site visit has been undertaken and the markings assessed. Unfortunately they were estimated as being 50% faded, with the minimum intervention level being 75%. Please note that all roads, footways and verges maintained at public expense are subject to routine inspection and minimum defect investigatory levels, as set out in the County Council’s Highway Inspection Manual. The manual sets out the minimum investigatory levels for every defect type likely to occur on (carriageway/footway/verge), and it is unlikely that defects falling below that level will be repaired. All defects identified or reported to us are considered against the manual, and those not deemed to meet the minimum investigatory levels are monitored by officers when in the area. The Highway Inspection Manual can be found here about-the-council/ information-and-data/ data-store/ potholes-and-claims-data/ #inspections.

    If your concerns are shared by the local community then you can apply for additional lining and physical lane demarcation to be installed via a community highways scheme. For more information on how to apply, please see - leisure-recreation-and-community/ supporting-local-communities/ apply-for-a-community-highways-scheme/

    Kind Regards, Highways Team.

    Report a Highway Problem Please select Report a problem with a road or pavement or raise a highways related enquiry to be redirected to the WSCC website for the issue you want to report.

    Please do not reply to this email as it has been automatically generated and we won't see your reply.

    Kind Regards West Sussex Highways

    Posted anonymously at 11:59, Monday 25 March 2024

  • It’s all about money, there is no way that the markings are less than 75% in most of it. My wife had a close call the other day too. It’s a daily event and the danger continues. Drivers deliberately drive in them because they are so faded and will use that as an excuse in the event of an accident. The local authority deserve to be sued at some stage as they are complicit in the negligence that will end badly. I will be the first to point out that I very strongly told them so

    Posted anonymously at 12:48, Thursday 28 March 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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