Ally between 18 and 19 Park Meadow
Reported via desktop in the Footpath / pavement problem category by Stephen Preston at 01:25, Thu 29 February 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council 9 hours, 25 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 5646998.
There has been this flood that hasn't gone for months. The issue is the roots have damaged the path and has sunk thus capturing the water into a large pool. The water is coming from the gardens of 30 and 32 Wycombe Road, and the Ally its self, the heavy rain falls, and finds its way under the fence and into the sunken path, it should run down the ally into Park Meadow, but it doesn't. it has gotten so bad we have had to add pallets to get across the flood, these pallets are slippery and i have captured on my CCTV the young lady who lives in Park Meadow fall into the water. This is very dangerous, also the water is going into the Sub Station that is pouring into number 18 Park Meadow and is close to flooding their house. I have lived here 52 years and it has never been like this. The path need to be repaired or a drain put in. Someone is going to get seriously hurt here, i have read the other comments just dismissing this issue, saying that the water drain away in a few hours, it doesn't its sat here like this for months as i have said. can something actually be done?
If the flooding is caused by a water leak we will report it to the relevant water company, who are responsible for water leaks.
There are occasions when flash flooding overloads the drain/gully, even when a drain/gully is clean and well maintained it can only cope with a certain volume of water at one time, a sudden and heavy downpour can still cause flooding especially if the road is in a low lying area, this generally clears away over a matter of hours.
The Highway Officer is only able to inspect the drain when the water has cleared away, this will be done within 10 days and if required, an order will be raised to clear the drain.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 01:26, Thu 29 February 2024
Category changed from ‘Flooding on a road/footpath’ to ‘Footpath / pavement problem’
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:50, Thu 29 February 2024
The customer who made this report has received a communication privately from us
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 11:55, Mon 4 March 2024
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