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Utility cover raised

Reported via desktop in the Utlility covers category anonymously at 21:46, Tue 27 February 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5641429.

Today ETM came and fixed the kerb side right next to it was the manhole cover badly exposed but they told me it was for a different job number as not on their jib sheet. I was very upset by this because this morning my tyre had to be replaced due to deep hole around the cover. They chucked some tarmac on it did not wack it down flat it’s all loose around it. This is a serious matter for you to uphold repair asap. I am sick and tired of writing emails about this since 7 th January it’s wasting my time and costing me 120 to replace my tyre! You gonna pay for it???? So please just get this done once and for all. Also on the corner of this road Concorde drive is an even deeper hole appeared you have to swerve to drive into Concorde drive get this sorted as well. It’s just ridiculous it takes so long for jobs to be done and sadly a quick fix as it dose not last . I am going* to my local councillor about this area and to see if things can improve with Bristol shitty council. It’s just appalling really is

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  • This issue is currently under investigation. We'll provide updates on the outcome as soon as we can.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 13:58, Mon 4 March 2024

  • A job has been raised with our contractors to action this issue and appropriate repairs or maintenance will be undertaken as soon as they can.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 13:33, Mon 18 March 2024

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