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Middlewood Way repaired with terrible loose gravel

Reported via iOS in the Pavements/footpaths category anonymously at 10:09, Sat 24 February 2024

Sent to Stockport Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5623850.

Middlewood Way was closed just north of the A6 for some weeks, unannounced and with no diversion, I believe by a water company. It had now reopened, but the patch dug up to reposition a manhole cover had been “repaired” with a thick layer of loose, driveway style gravel completely impossible to cycle over. This is not a like-for-like repair of the hard-compacted trail and could be actively dangerous for users because it is so loose and uneven.

Furthermore, the trail north as far as the stables road access has been badly churned and damaged by the heavy vehicles used. This whole stretch now needs a new correct top surface, I don’t see why the water company shouldn’t pay to rectify and lay this given the damage done.

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