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Vehicles blocking emergency vehicle access

Reported via mobile in the Obstruction category anonymously at 01:38, Wed 21 February 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Bristol City Council 6 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 5607588.

For years cars have parked in the area marked for emergency vehicles by the garages at the end of Hayes Close. It's been reported here more than once but without apparent solutions.

Sometimes this completely blocks access to residents who rent the garages, and always poses a risk that emergency vehicles won't be able to turn - the fire service struggled to reverse an engine and said vehicles impeded access to the water source. Have also seen ambulances have to reverse up the street.

Been reported to the council who have said they can't do anything because it's not on double yellows. Apparently it's highway agency land. Highway agency have never responded to emails.

Can the council please talk to the Highways Agency and have double yellows put in so wardens can ticket here? One day there will be a fire or medical emergency and selfish parking could cost someone their life.

Police say they can't do anything unless it's an obstruction... But it's always an obstruction, so when is the right time to call them and how happy will they be to be called about it?

Sometimes at night, multiple vehicles are parked there for hours and drivers leave large amounts of litter.

We have also had several incidents of illegal drug use, plus syringes being dumped, as well blood and bloody clothes.

It would be useful to have motion-activated lighting and CCTV to deter (and possibly prosecute) anti-social behaviour like this. It's not just annoying, it's intimidating, dangerous (from needles and blood), and often quite frightening.

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  • A new enquiry has been raised for this issue.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 01:43, Wed 21 February 2024

  • We will shortly be in touch with an update on this issue.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 16:26, Fri 23 February 2024

  • This enquiry has been referred to another team for action. They will provide further updates on the issue in due course.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 16:26, Fri 23 February 2024

  • This Fix My Street enquiry has been automatically closed.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 00:06, Thu 4 April 2024

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