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Fly tipping

Reported via mobile in the Flytipping category anonymously at 15:01, Sunday 18 February 2024

Sent to Luton Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5594539.

I’ve noticed regular fly tipping on the corner of Atherstone and Thilstone Road. People dump general household waste e.g. food and nappy waste. It’s absolutely disgusting. I have seen rats on the road. Public are unable to walk on the path.

Furthermore, people dumping waste behind my garden (small road that leads onto bradly road from thilstone road) . Such as fridges, sofa’s and bags of household waste. I cleaned behind my garden last year and it’s happened again. I have an autistic child whom I cannot even take into my garden as wild animals bring the rubbish into my garden.

Could someone please look into my enquiry and get the road and paths cleanup.

Thank you.

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