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Enormous pothole surrounding the drain right on the corner of Menock and Aikenhead Rds

Reported via mobile in the Potholes category anonymously at 23:25, Wednesday 14 February 2024

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5578904.

I can't believe no-one else has reported this. There's a huge pothole right on this corner where the surface around the metal drain grating has completely crumbled. It's been there for at least two years and has now reached the stage where it's extremely dangerous as the metal drain fittings stand much higher than the ground and could do serious damage to any vehicle hitting them. When weather is wet it's impossible to see the size of the hole. Makes turning the corner extremely difficult and leads to traffic hold ups because it's effectively rendering the left turn lane unusable.

That whole stretch of road from Manse Brae to Kingsbridge Avenue and round into King's Park Avenue is covered in very deep holes and needs to be repaired with some urgency.

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