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Private Company Illegally Controlling On-road Parking

Reported via desktop anonymously at 18:59, Tue 13 February 2024

Sent to Liverpool City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5573154.

Company: Remember Me - Dementia Day Care Centre Address: 10, Bemrose House, Hanson Rd, Aintree, Liverpool L9 7BG

For some time - and to the annoyance of local businesses - this 'Day Care' centre has been using 'acquired' cones to block people from legally parking on Hanson Road. The note attached to one of the cones (see photo) is rather disturbing and says rather a lot about this business - run by quite unpleasant people. 'Often we have no choice to to block vehicles...' The note also refers to not being able to park outside their own building; as I'm sure you know, you're not entitled to a space outside your own house, let alone business. The second photo clearly shows the cones on the pavement - not on their premises. This is causing 'unrest' in the area and on more than one ocassion tensions have flared. We would be very grateful if you could investigate and, indeed, bring this business back in line with what it legal. They are behaving illegally and unreasonably and a lot of people are getting quite angry. I hope this can be resolved by yourselves before the cones start flying around (again)

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  • This was dealt with promptly and satisfactorily.

    State changed to: Fixed

    Posted anonymously at 19:15, Tue 12 March 2024

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