Flowing water, no risk to life or property problem
Reported via Open311 in the Flowing water, no risk to life or property category anonymously at 10:56, Monday 12 February 2024
Council ref: 4190460.
customer has called to request sandbagh to prevent flooding
Whilst we are aware of the ongoing surface water issues across the County in areas that have received a large amount of rainfall in a short space of time, we are still having to prioritise flooding sites which pose a risk to life or significant risk of internal flooding. We are not currently providing sandbags outside of locations where circumstances indicate actual risk to life or property as assessed by emergency services. Should you feel your property is at risk your first action should be to contact the emergency services who will assess the situation and act accordingly. If the problem happens again but in less extreme conditions then please report this to us and we will investigate the issue again. Thank you for reporting this matter.
State changed to: Closed
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:53, Tuesday 20 February 2024
Whilst we are aware of the ongoing surface water issues across the County in areas that have received a large amount of rainfall in a short space of time, we are still having to prioritise flooding sites which pose a risk to life or significant risk of internal flooding. We are not currently providing sandbags outside of locations where circumstances indicate actual risk to life or property as assessed by emergency services. Should you feel your property is at risk your first action should be to contact the emergency services who will assess the situation and act accordingly. If the problem happens again but in less extreme conditions then please report this to us and we will investigate the issue again. Thank you for reporting this matter.
Posted by Lincolnshire County Council at 12:53, Tuesday 20 February 2024
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