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Overgrown shrubs/trees completely blocking entire length of pavement

Reported via desktop in the Obstruction category anonymously at 09:53, Wednesday 7 February 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5542196.

Re-opening report 4969475 because - yet again - you closed it without providing any updates. This happens repeatedly. Please share an actual response on this site so that everyone knows what's happening! I will also raise this as a Council complaint. Previous comments from multiple contributors copy and pasted below: 1. The over grown hedge is still blocking the pavement and the dead tree is still in situation. This is an accident waiting to happen as all pedestrians have to walk in to the road at several places to get past the over grown hedge. The hedge needs cutting with a proper tractor and hedge cutting attachment or alternatively laying by a hedge laying expert. The hedge could be cut down in height by at least 50%. 2. I have lived on this close for over 14 years and this hedge used to be cut back on an annual basis. However, for the past two years the hedge has been left to grow, to the extent that it has now spread across the public foot path, forcing pedestrians onto the road. There are also long strands of brambles coming from the top of the hedge. The consequence of the lack of maintenance has resulted in the hedge becoming too wide and too high and needs to be reduced to a much more manageable height and width eg similar to the maintained hedge that surrounds the playing field at the corner of Kellaway Avenue and Kings Drive. Whoever, is responsible for this land needs ensure the hedge is regularly cut and maintained. 3.This hedge is completely blocking the footpath which is now totally inaccessible for most of the length of Dyrham Close. It would make everyone's life a bit better if you could at least respond publicly to these reports by adding a comment on Fixmystreet to explain what is happening to address this, please.

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  • A new enquiry has been raised for this issue.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 09:54, Wednesday 7 February 2024

  • Council complaint now raised.

    Posted anonymously at 10:10, Wednesday 7 February 2024

  • A citizen has provided a follow-up to the original enquiry.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 10:10, Wednesday 7 February 2024

  • This issue is currently under investigation. We'll provide updates on the outcome as soon as we can.

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 12:12, Wednesday 7 February 2024

  • We've investigated this issue and don't think any further action is needed at this time.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Bristol City Council at 13:36, Tuesday 27 February 2024

This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.