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Van parking on double yellow lines

Reported via mobile anonymously at 07:14, Mon 5 February 2024

Sent to East Hertfordshire District Council and Hertfordshire County Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5532164.

A resident continually parks his van on a double yellow line on Lawrence Avenue Stanstead Abbotts. It is causing traffic issues and he does it every single day. It is an Enterprise Van BW21FMJ. He only has to move it forward a little bit to avoid the double yellow lines it is like he is making a point and knows he won't get a ticket!

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  • The yellow lines are still abused down Lawrence Avenue but because they are not monitored the offenders don't care! I think it's mainly commuters for the station but that is why the yellow are there but they are not adhered too with no consequence to offenders.

    Posted anonymously at 08:18, Mon 4 March 2024

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