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Enfield council ghettoising the borough

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 23:17, Tuesday 30 January 2024

Sent to Enfield Borough Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5512969.

I avoid Bourne Hill driving to work as the council have destroyed this road and it is now filthy. In resorting to using Church Hill and Winchmore Hill road to get to work I am experiencing the same distress. Once beautiful roads are filthy, full of flytips and unlicensed multi occupancy. After cleaning Bourne Hill for five years I am now cleaning these two roads. Today I cut myself on the broken bottles strewn across Winchmore Hill road . Last week I saw one ‘street cleaner ‘ here walk past all of the litter, texting on his phone, then disappear leaving the filth on the street. Bury street is cleaned every day. This is where the council have houses they are attempting to sell. It is a far less busy road than Hoppers road, Bourne Hill, Church Hill and Winchmore Hill road now riddled with LTN traffic. The biggest distress is all of the litter outside St Paul’s church, a place of religious Christian worship. It is filthy outside and this is a disrespect to the religious Christian community. The church and graveyard in Enfield town is similarly never cleaned on the street. It is a disturbing level of disregard.

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  • It is even more filthy and the streets complained about are now cleaned even less.

    Posted anonymously at 23:59, Thursday 14 March 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

  • Https://

    I have had to start a petition to get any streets in Winchmore Hill or in the borough cleaned. This is what Enfield looks like

    Posted anonymously at 19:34, Sunday 14 April 2024

  • Https://

    I have had to start a petition to get any streets in Winchmore Hill or in the borough cleaned. This is what Enfield looks like

    Posted anonymously at 21:47, Monday 15 April 2024
    Still open, via questionnaire

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