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Missing lane markings

Reported via desktop in the Roads/highways category anonymously at 18:48, Friday 26 January 2024

Sent to Glasgow City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5496828.

Since this junction was resurfaced in 2023, no lane markings have been repainted. Where the M8 slip enters this junction heading westbound, the absence of lane markers makes the dog-leg onto Dobbie's Loan unclear and cars in the two lanes frequently nearly come into collision with each other. It is not clear if the right hand lane is for turning right onto Craighall Rd only, or also for going straight ahead, and if the left hand lane should enter Dobbie's Loan in the left or right hand lane. Similarly there are no dotted lines across the centre of the junction to indicate the correct route to follow through the dog-leg.

These markings were present before the resurfacing and urgently need to be reinstated.

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