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Light out at night

Reported via mobile in the Street light category anonymously at 22:28, Wed 24 January 2024 using FixMyStreet Pro

Sent to Bristol City Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5487915.

This streetlight is in a crucial position where pedestrians cross Combe Lane along Parrys Lane. I have genuinely had 2 near misses with my young children where cars have come down Parrys Lane and turned right down Combe Lane and nearly hit us (within 2m). Given that the light is out, when they turn right, their headlamps aren’t yet shining down Combe lane, so they can’t see pedestrians. They can only see pedestrians via headlights once they have already committed to the turn. This is too late! I truly think this requires an urgent repair before someone is seriously hurt.

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